Bokeh Effect - tutorial - How to setup Vray for bokeh | Cg Blog

Teapots in love


Recently I saw a movie on DVD: “Bounty hunter”, nice movie.

As often happens to me, there’s always a detail that attracts my attention. Already happened with the caustic effect in the pool and once again is about light I’m talking about.

My idea started when the main actors go to dinner. This is the scene:


No, it was not Jennifer Aniston to caught my attention, at least not this time! But it was what you can see in the background: that light deformation called bokeh effect.

Bokeh effect is a direct consequence of a restict depth of field, so distant objects from the focused area result deformed, taking strange shapes such as circles, pentagons, hexagons and so on. Just look on google images “bokeh effect” to find a variety of photos, fakes and tutorials to reproduce this effect with photoshop.

V-Ray also offers a feature to simulate this type of effect: enable the depth of field and just flag on “blades” (bokeh effects rollout).

flag bokeh

« Is it really so easy? ».  Sure, why should it be difficult?!

Of course, in order to display this effect, you shoudl be able to produce a narrow depth of field, paying attention to:

  1. Focal lenght
  2. Distance from the subject
  3. Aperture (f number)

To do it easy and fast I prepared for you some special contents:
Watch this Video, download the Files and complete the Exercise.

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  1. Just add some lights
  2. Reduce DOF with lower f number
  3. Balance light increasing Shutter speed
  4. Render and get the bokeh!
  5. Control bokeh with Blade option


Download this PACK and start the process with “START” file.
( For any doubt check “FINAL” version. )




Finally, to get the bokeh effect on the lights, simply place them outside the focused field.

So, if you can set a narrow depth of field, bokeh effect will be a simple click!
Here is funny render I made to enhance bokeh effect: Teapots in love.


Here the scene from the top view:


To simulate the bokeh effect is essential to understand the concept of depth of field and its application.

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

7 Responses

  1. muneer says:

    really nice effects thanks for sharing
    hey can you please give some other techniques or links of vray camera

  2. sagardawang says:

    nice i like it.

  3. Very nice !

    Can this be done in compositing?

    Because I am using Maya and mental ray.

  4. CARLO says:

    i thought its very hard to do..
    thanks for the tuts

  5. Jennifer Shapiro says:

    I am using Rhino… how did you do the vray lights? did you put them in a box or sphere?
    Thanks for all your tuts!

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