Minimal Exterior – Final and Post | Cg Blog

Minimal Exterior – Final and Post

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In these lesson I’ll talk about Final Render and Post Production:
How to use Render Elements and how to composite the layers in photoshop.


Contents for this lesson:

  • 2 HD VIDEO LESSON (42′ narrated by a Licensed V-Ray Instructor)
  • How to use Reflections render element
  • How to use VRayLightSelect render element
  • How to use VRayExtraTex for Ambient Occlusion
  • Affect channel option
  • Final settings for a clean render
  • Composite all layers in photoshop
  • Create a Daily lighting
  • Create the Golden Light in seconds!
  • Download the minimalexterior-file to start the exercise
  • Download the complete materials-file to check the settings
  • Download PSD files to check how layers fit togheter

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/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

22 Responses

  1. IDOUAKSIM Soufiane says:

    hi Ciro Sannino
    as usual you are the best. I have a problem with vray proxy when I make an object disappear proxy textures rendering. how to fix this?
    thank you

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi soufiane,
      you mean that when you crate a proxy the texture disappear in the final render?

    • Marcos Oliveira says:

      It occurs when you import the vray proxy without importing the materials. the VRayProxy itself does not contain any information about material, and I suggest you to save a .max file with material applied to it for future use. I hope it helped you, thanks!

  2. WALTER D SILVA V says:

    Wow, that’s a good technique!! and very good explanation, now i am really learning vray, i was tired of the crappy tutorials that there are in the internet, you really know how to do it. Thanks a lot! by the way, what do you think about the combination of vray sun and vray dome light with hdri?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      hi walter, basically hdri should contain also sun “information” so the hdri is all you need. Anyway you can combine them to customize the effect you want but there’s nospecial rules I can give you. Just follow your taste. So your question: can i use sun + hdri? the answer is “yes of course you can”.

  3. ruel flores says:

    hi ciro,

    wow…. this is what i’m waiting for, your golden lights.

  4. Stuart Mortiboys says:

    As always, superb! Thank you

  5. Marcos Oliveira says:

    Ciro, how about the internal Ambient Occlusion Pass in VRay? It takes more time to render than ExtraTex?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Marcos, is pretty the same but that’s no comparison! With ExtraTex you have a separate channel (much more better!!!), with the “internal” don’t. Probably there’s some difference in terms of time to compute but the BIG difference is have or haven’t separate channels. Of course saparate channels is the best solution.

  6. hamdan mat talip says:

    TQ…nice tutor…really awesome…waiting for years finally yeahhh.

  7. Bert Leroy says:

    Hi, you make me change from mental ray, to vray. The possibilities are endless and the way of working realy speed things up, so all i can say is thumbs up.

  8. antony shiju says:

    render id is not getting in VFB for compositing in photoshop

  9. najith majeed says:

    Hei Ciro,
    All of your lesson is wonderful and easy to understand,,, great job…!
    When I rendering the final V-ray Extra tex , the entire area of image got noise ( like rendering with minimum noise threshold) with all rendering set up as per your lesson.
    Thank you,

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Najith,
      the Ambien Occulusion image could be with noise, don’t care. You have to put this image with a little % in multiply blending (in photoshop)… as shown in the lesson. Only after this step you can judge your image and I’m sure the noise will be invisible.

  10. Nuno Trindade says:

    i love the way you hate the corners of the AO…
    and it’s a fact… it’s not real…

  11. venugopal venugopal says:

    Dear Ciro,

    When I am saving RGB ,Alpha,and other render element image ,RGB image is saving tooooo bright.But i can see RGB image perfectly in VRAY FRAME BUFFER Window.Plese try to help me.

  12. Alejandro Ramirez says:

    Thanx Ciro, the best as always, I’m trying to put a multitexture floor taking advantage of the concrete textures you have, but in Vray RT doesnt show up, there’s a way like the proxies to be able to see it? thank you

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